The training started out a bit of a disaster. Some of the team had been in Mombasa last week, and all the equipment had gone with them, so I had no overhead projector and no white board. Luckily, we were able to use another training room, which had a built in overhead projector. The training went well (I think) despite not starting until 9.30am due to technical hitches, but that's when most people arrived anyhow. Also, I wasn't able to cover a great deal of material in just 1hr. It was a small group, which was good as we had a lot of interaction, and group involvement. Some of the feedback I got was that I should open it out to the students. I later discussed this with the professor, but he didn't think it was a good idea, since a small group would be better for interaction, and group discussion. I'll see how the sessions progress. I'd still like to do a sample size workshop for the students.

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